There's A Tea For Everyone...

Aloycia Woods
Don't be afraid to experiment! There are hundreds of loose leaf teas with unique flavor profiles. From floral jasmine to nutty oolong, there's a tea out there for everyone.

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Green Tea vs Black Tea: WHICH IS BETTER?

Aloycia Woods
Green tea and black tea are both made from the Camellia sinensis plant, but they are processed differently. Green tea is minimally processed, while black tea is oxidized. This difference in processing gives green tea and black tea their distinct flavors and health benefits.

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Wellness And Tea Health

Wellness And Tea Health

Aloycia Woods

As we continue to combat the Covid Pandemic, more and more people are turning to healthy alternatives to keep their immune systems stronger, and loose leaf teas are on the rise because they contain so many health benefits. 

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Best Teas To Boost Your Energy

Aloycia Woods
Consuming Loose Leaf Teas is definitely growing in popularity, because consumers are looking for healthier beverages to drink. Gone are the days of drinking sugary, artificially flavored drinks. While many still enjoy those unhealthy drinks, tea is earning the trust of consumers, particuarly because more people are searching for ways to feel and live healthier.

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Tea Is Mindfullness

Aloycia Woods
When I drink a cup of tea, it's about mindfulness, meditation and relaxation, it's a moment for me to focus and center myself. Brewing and consuming loose leaf tea is a moment for us to become present, something we should all seek to do on a daily basis. 

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Holiday Tea Brewing

Aloycia Woods
Most will spend more time indoors with their families, and in some cases many will spend time alone. This is why Yoteas decided to start the holiday celebration festivities early and open the doors to savings$$$.

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Are You A Lover Of Coffee Or Loose Leaf Tea???

Aloycia Woods7 comments
Are you a lover of coffee lover or loose leaf tea? That's the million dollar question... Most people who are coffee lovers can't imagine trading coffee for loose leaf tea or specifically black teas or green teas. There are different variables that's attached to this question.

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3 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Green Tea

Aloycia Woods6 comments

Most people have not yet adapted to the taste of green teas, but the truth is green teas are filled with health benefits and a variety of flavor profiles, that even a non-tea drinker can discover at least one which they can enjoy. However, the main caveat of consuming green tea is the many health benefits in every cup. Being a part of the loose leaf tea community for many years, I have had the joy of introducing many newcomers to the loose leaf tea world. And, while tea consumption is second in the world to drinking water, many have not yet discovered this incredibly healthy beverage. 

The 3 reasons you should drink loose leaf teas...  

  • A study was done with male participants who took 375-milligrams of green tea capsules for 12 weeks daily and found that it significantly reduced the “bad” cholesterol while increasing the absorption of “good” cholesterol.
  • Truth be told, most people don’t drink green tea because they love the taste. They drink it because they read that it helps with weight loss maintenance. When you really understand the benefits of drinking Green tea, you will discover that it's actually considered a “superfood”. Studies have shown that green tea effectively aids in weight loss due to its properties, in addition to a healthy diet.
  • Diabetes is something that our society is plagued with more than ever today. There is some evidence showing that drinking green tea can actually prevent diabetes.

    One study found that Japanese adults who drank more than six cups of green tea a day had a much lower risk (33 percent) of developing type 2 diabetes than those who drank a cup or less a day.

There are many more health benefits to consuming loose leaf teas, too many to mention; this is why Yoteas has embarked on a mission to help individuals 'cultivate, healthy conscious living, one brew, one sip at a time.' If you don't yet know...the loose leaf tea family includes green tea, white, Black, Pu'er, and oolong teas. If you're ready to begin your tea journey, allow the YoTeas family to help you choose. Visit us today at and explore our vast variety of all organic, all-natural loose leaf teas.

To assist you in choosing, we've also created sample packs to choose your three favorites. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate. 


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YoTeas Covid-19 Message

Aloycia Woods4 comments

To all of our present customers and new customers; with Covid-19 still present and spreading, it's so important for us to remain resilient and healthy. We at Yoteas always ensure that we maintain best practices regarding the storage and delivery of our teas. All of our teas are always stored in air-tight dark canisters to maintain the quality and freshness of our teas. We pride ourselves on the quality of how we source our teas and how we package and deliver to every customer, in addition, to hand washing, and sanitizing.

Remember, that the consumption of loose leaf tea brewing is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, due to the high levels of antioxidants...(See Previous Articles For Addition Information On The Health Benefits.) During these challenging times let's remember to feed our bodies everything it needs to remain at optimal health. Our Mission is to continue serving you quality and hopefully in a timely manner. If we experience any difficulties in shipping times due to Covid-19, we will notify our customers immediately. In the meantime, please visit Yoteas.Com to begin your Tea Adventure. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact form and we will respond to your question or request within 24 hours.


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Why Loose Leaf Teas???

Aloycia Woods

We live in a culture where most people love the social habit of coffee consumption. To most, tea consumption is simply placing a tea bag in a cup of hot water, adding some sugar or honey particularly when they don't feel good. Not the same excitement as sitting in a coffee shop and drinking a fresh cup of coffee while socializing with friends, or having a business meeting. The association between the social aspect of tea versus coffee is part of what drives most towards choosing coffee over tea. But In recent years, many are discovering the excitement in the variety of teas they can choose from and the endless flavor profiles and health benefits in consuming loose leaf teas, especially green teas. When you truly begin to explore and experiment with the different varieties of loose leaf teas, the excitement can quickly grow. 

Why would you choose loose leaf teas? Outside of its obvious health benefits, the many combinations you can choose, create and blend together to brew your perfect of cup of tea are endless. And just for the record, tea bags often include ingredients you'd probably rather not ingest. However, If you would like to begin exploring the world of loose leaf teas Visit Us At YoTeas and experience why so many are now turning to loose leaf teas as their daily beverage of choice. 

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