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Our organic yerba maté is organically grown, fair trade certified by IMO, and produces a light green beverage, with a refreshingly bold flavor. Yerba maté is the dried leaves and stems of a South American rainforest.
Yerba maté is one of the world’s most effective and healing beverages with over 196 active compounds which shadows the active compounds found in Green tea (Camellia sinensis) which has about 144. This tea is untreated and contains no filler or flavoring agents, just pure organic yerba maté leaves.
Contains caffeine.
Ingredients: Organic Yerba Mate Leaves
Aroma and Flavor
An aroma of freshly cut grass with powerful green depth. The flavor is full-bodied, green, and satisfying.
Brewing Instruction:
The first rule of brewing traditional Maté is to never pour boiling or very hot water over dry leaves, this will cause the tannins to extract too quickly resulting in a bitter-tasting tea. The ideal temperature of the water should be 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit. Maté brews more slowly than conventional tea or coffee which extends its flavor, the same tea leaves can be used many times and with each addition of water, the taste will be slightly different.