Tough Times And Tea Time:

Aloycia Woods

To Our YoTeas Family,

It's hard to fathom what we are presently experiencing as a country and globally. Covid-19 showed up with a vengeance and has now inflicted over a million and claimed thousands of lives. With so much information out there from the media and the news, it's difficult to decipher what's real and what's false. But, what we know for certain is, we've been attacked by an invisible enemy. The global response has varied so vastly, with some hoarding at the grocery stores with others plainly disregarding the social distancing and stay at home orders. Clearly, this is not something we were prepared for, but we must grasp that this is a serious situation that we will not come out of it the same. Humanity will never be the same...

But what we must ensure to help us survive is that we're practicing healthy habits such as, proper hand-washing, sanitizing areas that are frequently touched and keeping our immune systems strong to protect ourselves from this invisible and unpredictable enemy. Some of what medical doctors are saying will help minimize our exposure and strengthen our immune systems is improve our quality of sleep, avoid tobacco, consume less alcohol, improve your gut health, become more physically active, soak up the sunshine(vitamin-D), reduce your stress level, consume a daily supplement, vitamin C, Zinc, Elderberry, fruits(oranges, lemon, blueberries), lots of liquids to include, alkaline water and hot teas. As we continue to experience unprecedented loss of life and be attacked by this virus please, Visit YoTeas To Learn More About The Health Benefits Of Loose Leaf Teas 

Thank You For Your Continued Support,

From The YoTeas Family To You and your Family, Please Stay Safe and Healthy.


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