The Benefits Of Oolong For Women Over 50

Aloycia Woods

As women age, bone density tends to decrease, leading to a higher risk of osteoporosis. Oolong tea contains essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, which are crucial for maintaining healthy bones. Regular consumption of oolong tea may help support bone strength and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

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Why is The Right Water Temperature Important When Brewing Teas?

Aloycia Woods


Welcome To Another YoTeas Blog Post:

The right water temperature is crucial when brewing tea because it significantly influences the flavor, aroma, and overall quality of the tea. Different types of teas—green, black, white, oolong, and herbal—have unique characteristics and optimal brewing temperatures. Most people that consume teas have no idea that the water temperature is vital to the quality of the they are brewing.

Here's why water temperature matters in tea brewing:

Release of Flavors:

Green Tea: Brewing green tea at too high a temperature can result in a bitter taste. Lower temperatures (around 160-185°F or 71-85°C) are preferred to extract the delicate flavors without extracting excessive bitterness.
Black Tea: Black tea, on the other hand, benefits from higher temperatures (around 200-212°F or 93-100°C) to fully release its bold and robust flavors.
Preservation of Aromatics:

White Tea: White tea is often appreciated for its delicate and nuanced flavors. Lower water temperatures (around 160-185°F or 71-85°C) help preserve the subtle aromatics of white tea leaves.
Avoiding Bitterness:

Herbal Tea: Herbal teas, which include a wide variety of plants and herbs, may have different optimal temperatures. However, generally, using boiling water is common. Some herbs may turn bitter if steeped for too long or at too high a temperature.
Preventing Over-Extraction:

Oolong Tea: Oolong tea is partially oxidized, and the optimal temperature varies depending on the degree of oxidation. Typically, oolong teas benefit from water temperatures ranging between 185-205°F (85-96°C). This range helps prevent over-extraction while extracting the desirable flavors.

Caffeine Content:

The temperature of the water can affect the extraction of caffeine. Higher temperatures tend to extract more caffeine. If you want a lower-caffeine cup, you might choose to brew at a slightly lower temperature.
Consistency and Precision:

Precise water temperature ensures consistency in the brewing process. Tea enthusiasts often invest in kettles with temperature control settings or use thermometers to achieve the optimal temperature for specific tea types.
Tea Leaf Unfurling:

For certain types of teas, like tightly rolled oolongs or some green teas, the right water temperature helps the leaves unfurl properly, allowing for a more complete extraction of flavors.
Overall Tea Experience:

The right water temperature contributes to a more enjoyable tea-drinking experience. It allows you to savor the complexity and nuances of the tea without encountering undesirable bitter or astringent notes.

In summary, the right water temperature is integral to brewing a cup of tea that reflects the unique characteristics of the tea leaves. It ensures a harmonious balance of flavors and aromas, providing a more satisfying and enjoyable tea-drinking experience. Visit Yoteas To Explore Our Wide Variety Of Loose Leaf Teas: 

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The Benefits Of Consuming Herbs:

The Benefits Of Consuming Herbs:

Aloycia Woods
Herbs have been used for centuries for various purposes, including culinary, medicinal, and even spiritual uses.

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The Art Of Tea Blending

The Art Of Tea Blending

Aloycia Woods1 comment
One of the first things I had to learn when blending various different tea types, were the different temperatures of water I would need to use for each tea type. I spent several years working and managing a national tea company before I truly understood and became comfortable with blending my teas to ensure I would always brew an amazingly delicious cup of tea.

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Best Teas To Boost Your Energy

Aloycia Woods
Consuming Loose Leaf Teas is definitely growing in popularity, because consumers are looking for healthier beverages to drink. Gone are the days of drinking sugary, artificially flavored drinks. While many still enjoy those unhealthy drinks, tea is earning the trust of consumers, particuarly because more people are searching for ways to feel and live healthier.

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Tea Is Mindfullness

Aloycia Woods
When I drink a cup of tea, it's about mindfulness, meditation and relaxation, it's a moment for me to focus and center myself. Brewing and consuming loose leaf tea is a moment for us to become present, something we should all seek to do on a daily basis. 

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What Makes Oolong Teas Special

Aloycia Woods
All tea leaves contain certain enzymes, which produce a chemical reaction called oxidation. Oxidation is what turns for instance, the green tea leaves into a deep rich color.

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Are You A Lover Of Coffee Or Loose Leaf Tea???

Aloycia Woods7 comments
Are you a lover of coffee lover or loose leaf tea? That's the million dollar question... Most people who are coffee lovers can't imagine trading coffee for loose leaf tea or specifically black teas or green teas. There are different variables that's attached to this question.

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Tough Times And Tea Time:

Aloycia Woods

To Our YoTeas Family,

It's hard to fathom what we are presently experiencing as a country and globally. Covid-19 showed up with a vengeance and has now inflicted over a million and claimed thousands of lives. With so much information out there from the media and the news, it's difficult to decipher what's real and what's false. But, what we know for certain is, we've been attacked by an invisible enemy. The global response has varied so vastly, with some hoarding at the grocery stores with others plainly disregarding the social distancing and stay at home orders. Clearly, this is not something we were prepared for, but we must grasp that this is a serious situation that we will not come out of it the same. Humanity will never be the same...

But what we must ensure to help us survive is that we're practicing healthy habits such as, proper hand-washing, sanitizing areas that are frequently touched and keeping our immune systems strong to protect ourselves from this invisible and unpredictable enemy. Some of what medical doctors are saying will help minimize our exposure and strengthen our immune systems is improve our quality of sleep, avoid tobacco, consume less alcohol, improve your gut health, become more physically active, soak up the sunshine(vitamin-D), reduce your stress level, consume a daily supplement, vitamin C, Zinc, Elderberry, fruits(oranges, lemon, blueberries), lots of liquids to include, alkaline water and hot teas. As we continue to experience unprecedented loss of life and be attacked by this virus please, Visit YoTeas To Learn More About The Health Benefits Of Loose Leaf Teas 

Thank You For Your Continued Support,

From The YoTeas Family To You and your Family, Please Stay Safe and Healthy.


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Why Loose Leaf Teas???

Aloycia Woods

We live in a culture where most people love the social habit of coffee consumption. To most, tea consumption is simply placing a tea bag in a cup of hot water, adding some sugar or honey particularly when they don't feel good. Not the same excitement as sitting in a coffee shop and drinking a fresh cup of coffee while socializing with friends, or having a business meeting. The association between the social aspect of tea versus coffee is part of what drives most towards choosing coffee over tea. But In recent years, many are discovering the excitement in the variety of teas they can choose from and the endless flavor profiles and health benefits in consuming loose leaf teas, especially green teas. When you truly begin to explore and experiment with the different varieties of loose leaf teas, the excitement can quickly grow. 

Why would you choose loose leaf teas? Outside of its obvious health benefits, the many combinations you can choose, create and blend together to brew your perfect of cup of tea are endless. And just for the record, tea bags often include ingredients you'd probably rather not ingest. However, If you would like to begin exploring the world of loose leaf teas Visit Us At YoTeas and experience why so many are now turning to loose leaf teas as their daily beverage of choice. 

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