Having A Relationship With Loose Leaf Tea:

Aloycia Woods2 comments


Consuming loose leaf tea is different for everyone because everyone's reason and relationship with consuming tea vary. Why does it vary? People may begin drinking tea for health reasons, social reasons or they're simply lovers of tea consumption, sometimes it's simply the many varieties and flavors that you can experience, which can be subjective. But, those who are consumers of loose leaf teas are literally hooked on the experience of watching the leafs open as they brew or the various colors and aromas within each brew depending on the particular tea blend. Let's face it, when we brew loose leaf teas, it's environmentally healthier for the tea consumer versus it's less flavorful neighbor tea bags.

However, what makes the loose leaf tea relationship and experience so special is it's health benefits, the ability to steep each brew more than once, and the endless flavor and blend options. Whether you prefer having a relationship with the flavors of black teas, a smooth, earthy green, or maybe a flavorful blend of various herbs, you'll receive a lot of the same benefits and appreciate every sip. Here's the deal, even though loose leaf tea leaves may all contain different levels of caffeine, what many don't know is, they also contain an amino acid called L-Theanine, which research has shown promotes and has a positive impact on our overall ability to remain relaxed and calm. Visit Us And Browse Our Selections

Aren't you ready for your cuppa-YoTeas...???




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YoTeas Covid-19 Message

Aloycia Woods4 comments

To all of our present customers and new customers; with Covid-19 still present and spreading, it's so important for us to remain resilient and healthy. We at Yoteas always ensure that we maintain best practices regarding the storage and delivery of our teas. All of our teas are always stored in air-tight dark canisters to maintain the quality and freshness of our teas. We pride ourselves on the quality of how we source our teas and how we package and deliver to every customer, in addition, to hand washing, and sanitizing.

Remember, that the consumption of loose leaf tea brewing is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, due to the high levels of antioxidants...(See Previous Articles For Addition Information On The Health Benefits.) During these challenging times let's remember to feed our bodies everything it needs to remain at optimal health. Our Mission is to continue serving you quality and hopefully in a timely manner. If we experience any difficulties in shipping times due to Covid-19, we will notify our customers immediately. In the meantime, please visit Yoteas.Com to begin your Tea Adventure. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact form and we will respond to your question or request within 24 hours.


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Tea Benefits You Should Know About:

Aloycia Woods

Penn Medicine wrote that people all over the world have been drinking tea for thousands of centuries, and for good reason. I hope you enjoy the article. Numerous studies have shown that a variety of teas may boost your immune system, fight off inflammation, and even ward off cancer and heart disease.

While some brews provide more health advantages than others, there’s plenty of evidence that regularly drinking tea can have a lasting impact on your wellness. 

White Tea

Known to have a delicate flavor, white tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant that’s native to China and India. It is also the least processed tea variety.

Research shows it may be the most effective tea in fighting various forms of cancer thanks to its high level of antioxidants. White tea may also be good for your teeth since it contains a high source of fluoride, catechins, and tannins that can strengthen teeth, fight plaque, and make it more resistant to acid and sugar.

This variety also offers the least amount of caffeine, making it a smart choice for tea drinkers who want to avoid or limit their caffeine consumption.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas, sometimes called tisanes, are very similar to white teas, but they contain a blend of herbs, spices, fruits, or other plants in addition to tea leaves. Herbal teas don’t contain caffeine, which is why they’re known for their calming properties.

There are numerous types of herbal teas, all with their unique benefits. Some of the most popular herbal teas include:

  • Chamomile tea – Helps to reduce menstrual pain and muscle spasms, improves sleep and relaxation and reduces stress
  • Rooibos – Improves blood pressure and circulation, boosts good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol, keeps hair strong and skin healthy, and provides relief from allergies
  • Peppermint – Contains menthol, which can soothe an upset stomach and serve as a cure for constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and motion sickness. This tea variety also offers pain relief from tension headaches and migraines.
  • Ginger – Helps to fight against morning sickness, can be used to treat chronic indigestion and helps to relieve joint pain caused by osteoarthritis
  • Hibiscus – Lowers blood pressure and fat levels, improves overall liver health, can starve off cravings for unhealthy sweets, and may prevent the formation of kidney stones

Green Tea

Green tea originates from China, where the leaves are processed with heat using a pan-firing or roasting method and Japan, where the leaves are more commonly steamed.

Green tea is exceptionally high in flavonoids that can help boost your heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and reducing blood clotting. Studies show this type of tea can also help lower blood pressure, triglycerides, and total cholesterol.

Other research has found that green tea has a possible impact on liver, breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. This tea variety has also shown to be anti-inflammatory, which helps keep your skin clear and glowing.

In recent years, matcha – a form of green tea – has grown in popularity. Matcha is a very fine, high-quality green tea powder made from the entire leaves of tea bushes grown in the shade. Since it is the only form of tea in which the leaves are ingested, matcha contains even more antioxidants than regular green tea. In fact, some have suggested that one cup of matcha is the equivalent to 10 cups of regular green tea.

Black Tea

Black tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, the same plant that’s used to make green tea. However, the leaves are dried and fermented, giving black tea a darker color and richer flavor.

Unlike many other varieties, black tea is caffeinated, so it’s important to monitor your intake. When you do pour yourself a cup of black tea, you benefit from flavonoids that combat inflammation and support healthy immune function.

However, you don’t have to merely drink black tea to benefit from its healthy properties. It can be steamed, cooled, and then pressed on minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises to relieve pain and reduce swelling. A black tea bath can also ease inflammation caused by skin rashes and conditions such as poison ivy.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea variety that’s made from the same plant used to make green and black teas. The difference is how the tea is processed: Green tea is not allowed to oxidize much, but black tea is allowed to oxidize until it turns black. Oolong tea is somewhere in between the two, so it is partially oxidized. This partial oxidation is responsible for oolong tea's color and characteristic taste.

Oolong tea is notable for containing l-theanine, an amino acid that reduces anxiety and increases alertness and attention. Scientists have found that l-theanine can help prevent cognitive diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Oolong tea is also high in polyphenols, which are linked to lowering inflammation, preventing the growth of cancers, and decreasing type 2 diabetes risk. The list of tea benefits is endless and we invite you to incorporate loose leaf teas and experience the many benefits that consuming teas offers.

If you would like to begin your tea journey or explore a variety of new tea blends...Visit Yoteas to learn more about our all-natural 100% organic loose leaf teas.   www.YoTeas.com

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3 Things You Didn't Know About Green Tea:

Aloycia Woods


Many of us are experiencing a new way of living and it's called Coronavirus... And we have to adjust to a new way of living our lives because life as we know it will never be the same. Regardless of what state our country and world are in presently, we still have to do our part in staying healthy in body, mind, and soul. One way to keep our bodies healthy is by consuming loose leaf teas. One tea, in particular, is green teas because the catechins in green tea also have other biological effects. Some studies show that they can kill bacteria and inhibit viruses like the influenza virus, potentially lowering your risk of infections.

 Also, Green tea contains a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Catechins are natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and provide other benefits to assist our bodies in repairing itself on a cellular level. 

 Some studies have also shown the positive impacts of green tea on the following types of cancer:

  • breast
  • bladder
  • ovarian
  • colorectal (bowel)
  • esophageal (throat)
  • lung
  • prostate
  • skin
  • stomach

This is why YoTeas is committed to cultivating healthy, conscious living, one brew, one sip, one customer at a time. Explore our variety and experience the amazing benefits of consuming loose leaf teas. Visit Us Today

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Tough Times And Tea Time:

Aloycia Woods

To Our YoTeas Family,

It's hard to fathom what we are presently experiencing as a country and globally. Covid-19 showed up with a vengeance and has now inflicted over a million and claimed thousands of lives. With so much information out there from the media and the news, it's difficult to decipher what's real and what's false. But, what we know for certain is, we've been attacked by an invisible enemy. The global response has varied so vastly, with some hoarding at the grocery stores with others plainly disregarding the social distancing and stay at home orders. Clearly, this is not something we were prepared for, but we must grasp that this is a serious situation that we will not come out of it the same. Humanity will never be the same...

But what we must ensure to help us survive is that we're practicing healthy habits such as, proper hand-washing, sanitizing areas that are frequently touched and keeping our immune systems strong to protect ourselves from this invisible and unpredictable enemy. Some of what medical doctors are saying will help minimize our exposure and strengthen our immune systems is improve our quality of sleep, avoid tobacco, consume less alcohol, improve your gut health, become more physically active, soak up the sunshine(vitamin-D), reduce your stress level, consume a daily supplement, vitamin C, Zinc, Elderberry, fruits(oranges, lemon, blueberries), lots of liquids to include, alkaline water and hot teas. As we continue to experience unprecedented loss of life and be attacked by this virus please, Visit YoTeas To Learn More About The Health Benefits Of Loose Leaf Teas 

Thank You For Your Continued Support,

From The YoTeas Family To You and your Family, Please Stay Safe and Healthy.


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Consuming Black Tea

Aloycia Woods

It's said that black tea is responsible for approximately 84% of tea consumption. While black teas and green teas may be similar there are some differences, such as the oxidation process involved in black teas and how it impacts our health. One of the main interests connected to black teas is its antioxidant content. Why is this important?  Antioxidants help to fight off free radicals.

The Medical News 'wrote that Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body that result from both natural processes and environmental pressures'.The body can remove free radicals, but if too many build-up, they can damage or change cells in the body.

 The antioxidants in black teas are different from those in green teas, due to the oxidation process. Green tea mainly contains catechins. During oxidation, these convert into thearubigins, theaflavins, and flavonols.

In 2013, researchers found evidence to suggest that people who drank four cups of black tea or more per day had a lower risk of stroke. For many who are still trying to understand the importance of tea consumption, knowledge is power. The mission of yoteas.com is to educate consumers on why consuming three or more cups of tea per day can dramatically impact their health and well-being. 


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A Passion For Teas

Aloycia Woods

It's said that Time is our greatest commodity, but so is our Health!!! My passion for teas began many years ago before I ever understood there was something called the Camellia Sinensis tea leaf; but when I truly began to understand the science and many health benefits involved in tea consumption, I fell in love with loose leaf teas and began researching what makes this green tea leaf so extraordinary. As many of you may have read on my website yoteas.com, we offer many different varieties of organic loose leaf teas sourced from around the world. The reason we chose all-natural, organic teas is we wanted to ensure we delivered not just flavor, but a quality that our customers can depend on. Consuming loose leaf teas is an experience in which you become one with every sip, emerging with the array of flavors that wrap around your pallet. Whether you're a hot or cold tea lover, every tea can be brewed hot and enjoyed as a hot beverage, placed directly into the refrigerator or poured over ice for your favorite chilled iced tea. 

Most people are still trying to understand the world of loose leaf teas versus their ordinary tea bag consumption. But, fortunately, many are beginning to give up on not just their tea bags but also their daily cup of coffee to embrace and experience a delicious cup of brewed loose leaf tea. Tea is not just another flavored over-sweetened beverage, which most are used to consuming; loose leaf tea is filled with antioxidants, and health benefits to include weight loss, not to mention the anti-flu virus benefits as a result of the catechins found in loose leaf teas, stress reduction, and let's not forget the many flavors, and varieties. If this doesn't get your curiosity and palette stirring, then you're missing an incredible experience...Begin the journey and visit www.YoTeas.com 


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Why Loose Leaf Teas???

Aloycia Woods

We live in a culture where most people love the social habit of coffee consumption. To most, tea consumption is simply placing a tea bag in a cup of hot water, adding some sugar or honey particularly when they don't feel good. Not the same excitement as sitting in a coffee shop and drinking a fresh cup of coffee while socializing with friends, or having a business meeting. The association between the social aspect of tea versus coffee is part of what drives most towards choosing coffee over tea. But In recent years, many are discovering the excitement in the variety of teas they can choose from and the endless flavor profiles and health benefits in consuming loose leaf teas, especially green teas. When you truly begin to explore and experiment with the different varieties of loose leaf teas, the excitement can quickly grow. 

Why would you choose loose leaf teas? Outside of its obvious health benefits, the many combinations you can choose, create and blend together to brew your perfect of cup of tea are endless. And just for the record, tea bags often include ingredients you'd probably rather not ingest. However, If you would like to begin exploring the world of loose leaf teas Visit Us At YoTeas and experience why so many are now turning to loose leaf teas as their daily beverage of choice. 

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The Green Tea Craze:

Aloycia Woods

What is the Green Tea craze all about??? For centuries, all tea was considered green tea. But, green tea is purely and simply the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, which all teas originate, and once it's steeped in hot water...you have your delicious cup of healthiness. There was a time when Green tea leaves did not go through the oxidation process so it was tea in its most natural form. This version of the green tea leaf is still enjoyed around the world today as are many other versions of the same tea leaf. However, over centuries, there were different forms of green tea introduced as the world unfolded in its discovery of the tea leaf. Oolong and black teas were created much later after green tea's discovery.

Note: black tea is a fermented version of green tea and Oolong is semi-fermented.

The Western world is still trying to understand the variations of green tea because they are lovers of black teas...On the other hand, the Eastern part of the world are still lovers of the amazing variety of green tea flavors...

Although more research is needed, medical news today states, recent studies have shown green tea can potentially have positive effects on everything from weight loss to liver disorders, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Don't take this cup of Green beverage lightly...There's more beyond your brewed cup of loose leaf tea!!!

Visit Us Today And Learn More:


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Tea Passion:

Aloycia Woods

There are many different kinds of teas, however, almost all teas have nutritional and health benefits. Most tea drinkers consider Green Tea to be the healthiest, but all teas contain health benefits and antioxidants. The antioxidants found in teas are called catechins, and catechins, like all antioxidants battle free radicals and repair, damaged cells within our bodies. When we consume tea on a daily basis it promotes healthy results; research has also proven that tea can prevent cancer and other physical ailments.

In addition, when loose leaf tea is combined with various fruit, there are even more natural health benefits. Tea blends smoothly with the fruit components creating a drink which is mild yet flavorful, full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. There are precious few beverages which can claim to refresh your thirst, boost your vitamin intake, give you energy and fight cancer in a single serving.

Although tea is an ancient beverage, the health benefits are endless. It's likely the health benefits of consuming tea are even more valuable now than they were centuries ago. After being consumed for more than four thousand years, tea has changed very little - until now. It's been served hot, it's been served cold. But now tea is being served in a style that suits the most frantic lifestyle - you can get it to go, whether you brew it at home or purchase it in a tea shop or grocery store. You can brew your tea at home and place it in a hot/cold tea tumbler and enjoy it throughout your day. However, when purchasing tea that's already bottled, ensure that you check the sugar content...



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